Deena Mehjabeen is the author of Mind Verses ( avg rating, 35 ratings, 6 reviews)/5. Deena Mehjabeen. Home. No Naked Ads - Here! Mind verses, p Mind Verses, page 1 Select Voice: Brian (uk) Emma (uk) Amy (uk) Eric (us) Ivy (us) Joey (us) Salli (us) Justin (us) Jennifer (us) Kimberly (us) Kendra (us) Russell (au) Nicole (au) Try our free service - convert any of your text to speech!. Deena Mehjabeen. 35 ratings 6 reviews 'Mind Verses' is a collection of poetry and prose that is born from the author's experiences, musings and in moments of joy, insecurity, grief and the feelings that are sometimes hard to voice. The four parts in the collection-Life, Love, Loss and Lessons are written with the hope to resonate with you /5(34).
This is Legion's P-Dialogue! Unlike other character's P-Dialogue, Legion's consists of four people: Baron von Doomkill, Deena the Shaman, Miserable ol' Martin, and Crazed Priest of YALORT, Bostolm. Deena I must say, existence within this metal shell is not quite as miserable as I anticipated! Miserable ol' Martin Nothing could be as agonisingly miserable as what -I- anticipated, but this does. - The words of Allah are the medicine of the heart. Involve your whole being in the meditation process. Fill your mind with Vishnu's divine Image. (iv) These three steps ensure that your mind is fixed on Vishnu's visible form (as lord of Lakshmi), his great deeds (described in sahasra nama Stotram) and his message to us (in the Gita).Your whole being is filled with Vishnu now. (v) Even so.
Nov 3, - Mind Verses by Deena Mehjabeen Self published in June 91 pages towards Olivia's fun August Reading Challenge to read an aver. Deena Mehjabeen. 35 'Mind Verses' is a collection of poetry and prose that is born from the author's experiences, musings and in moments of joy, insecurity. Mind Verses - Kindle edition by Mehjabeen, Deena. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Mind Verses.