Ebook {Epub PDF} Phil Coulson Doesnt Work for StarkIndustries by Scifigrl47

 · ← Previous Work Part 9 of the Phil Coulson's Case Files of the Toasterverse series Next Work Chapters: 3/3 Comments: Kudos: Bookmarks: Hits: Phil Coulson Doesn't Work for StarkIndustries scifigrl Chapter 2. Notes: In which people make bad decisions and are aware of it and discuss their poor decision making.  · Phil Coulson Doesn't Work for StarkIndustries Free Author Scifigrl47 – www.doorway.ru Fandom The AvengersRelationships Steve RogersTony Stark Clint BartonPhil Coulson Sleeping with a super hero is great until he becomes a little restless at night Tony Stark not the easiest sleeper hims Fandom The AvengersRelationships Steve RogersTony Stark Clint BartonPhil .  · ← Previous Work Part 9 of the Phil Coulson's Case Files of the Toasterverse series Next Work Chapters: 3/3 Comments: Kudos: Bookmarks: Hits: Phil Coulson Doesn't Work for StarkIndustries scifigrl Chapter 2. Notes: In which people make bad decisions and are aware of it and discuss their poor decision making.

Answer (1 of 2): Out of universe: They weren't going to get Sam Jackson to play even a recurring role on the show. Not to mention that they needed to leave his story open to whatever the movies wanted to do with him. It made sense to make a lead character into the leader of SHIELD. In universe. The story is complete at 11 chapters, and writer AvocadoLove explores a world where the Winter Soldier killed Maria and Howard Stark when Tony was a toddler. Rather than kill the boy, the assassin. When Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D. debuted on television in , the series introduced several new characters to the Marvel www.doorway.ru Phil Coulson was created for the movies, most of his team was created exclusively for the series. Thanks to the popularity of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, the characters became part of the comic book universe with the series S.H.I.E.L.D.

Phil Coulson's Case Files of the Toasterverse by scifigrl47 Fandom: The Avengers (), The Avengers (Marvel Movies), The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types Teen And Up Audiences, General Audiences, Mature. ← Previous Work Part 9 of the Phil Coulson's Case Files of the Phil Coulson Doesn't Work for StarkIndustries scifigrl “It doesn't,” he admitted at. Tony Stark sometimes doesn't make the best choices with his health. Tony is usually bad at communicating. Steve usually doesn't end up in medical, but there are always exceptions. Phil Coulson is the one who has to write up this nonsense, and he can't keep the Avengers out of medical. Series. Part 4 of Phil Coulson's Case Files of the Toasterverse.


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