Norman Erikson Pasaribu was born in Jakarta in His debut poetry collection Sergius Mencari Bacchus (Sergius Seeks Bacchus) won the Jakarta Arts Council Poetry Competition and was a finalist for the Khatulistiwa Literary Award for Count: 2. Yetthis was the stage on which Norman Erikson Pasaribu's poetry collection Sergius Seeks Bacchus made its debut,breaking new ground to become, in the words of another Indonesian poet MikaelJohani, 'a queer pioneer' on 'an extremely heteronormative poetry scene'. · N orman Erikson Pasaribu was born and raised in Jakarta, Indonesia but his roots lie in the ethnic Christian Batak community of Sumatra; his family represents the many strands of internal immigration from the country’s regions to its capital. Though he writes in Indonesian, Pasaribu’s poetry collection Sergius Seeks Bacchus (translated by Tiffany Tsao) carries the inflections, songs, and Estimated Reading Time: 8 mins.
In this intimate collection of queer poetry, Norman Erikson Pasaribu has taken the names of Sergius and Bacchus - and what they represent - for his collection's title, phrasing it as Sergius Seeks Bacchus perhaps as a reflection of the repeated theme found in the book's pages: that of uprooted unrest, searching, longing. Seeking. Tiffany Tsao is a writer and translator. She is the author of Under Your Wings (forthcoming with Atria Books in the US as The Majesties) and the Oddfits fantasy translations from Indonesian to English include Norman Erikson Pasaribu's wonderful poetry collection Sergius Seeks Bacchus, Dee Lestari's novel Paper Boats, and Laksmi Pamuntjak's The Birdwoman's Palate. Pada tahun , penerbit Tilted Axis menerbitkan Sergius Seeks Bacchus, terjemahan Bahasa Inggris dari karya debut Norman dengan terjemahan oleh Tiffany Tsao. Andrew McMillan memuji puisi-puisi Norman sebagai "spiritual, tapi selalu realistis, sangat sensual, namun selalu peka akan kesementaraan hubungan".
BY Norman Erikson Pasaribu / TR. BY Tiffany Tsao. Sergius Seeks Bacchus (paperback) Quantity: Add To Cart. Shortlisted for the NSW Premier’s Translation Prize Winner of a PEN Translates grant. Sergius Seeks Bacchus is a heartbreaking and humorous rumination on what it means to be in the minority in terms of sexuality, ethnicity, and religion. Sergius Seeks Bacchus. by Norman Erikson Pasaribu. translated by Tiffany Tsao. Giramondo. ISBN Reviewed by DMETRI KAKMI. Born to a Muslim father and a Protestant mother, Norman Erikson Pasaribu was raised in Jakarta, Indonesia, but his roots lie in the ethnic Christian Batak community of Sumatra. Born in Jakarta in , Norman Erikson Pasaribu’s debut poetry collection Sergius Mencari Bacchus (Sergius Seeks Bacchus) won the Jakarta Arts Council Poetry Competition and was a finalist for the Khatulistiwa Literary Award for Poetry. In , he received the Young Author Award from the Southeast Asia Literary Council.