The Shield comes first, then the Catalogue of Women and fragments of the other Hesiodic attributions, arranged into newly organized fragments. The Shield is translated into clear prose following the model of volume 1; the Catalogue and other fragments are . · This volume, which completes the new Loeb Classical Library edition of Hesiod, contains "The Shield" and extant fragments of other poems, including the "Catalogue of Women," that were attributed to Hesiod in antiquity. None of these is now thought to be by Hesiod himself, but all have considerable literary and historical interest/5. The Shield comes first, then the Catalogue of Women and fragments of the other Hesiodic attributions, arranged into newly organized fragments. The Shield is translated into clear prose following the model of volume 1; the Catalogue and other fragments are .
This volume, which completes the new Loeb Classical Library edition of Hesiod, contains "The Shield" and extant fragments of other poems, including the "Catalogue of Women," that were attributed to Hesiod in antiquity. None of these is now thought to be by Hesiod himself, but all have considerable literary and historical interest. Hesiod, The Shield. Catalogue of Women. Other Fragments. Hesiod describes himself as a Boeotian shepherd who heard the Muses call upon him to sing about the gods. His exact dates are unknown, but he has often been considered a younger contemporary of Homer. The first volume of this revised Loeb Classical Library edition offers Hesiod's two. HESIOD, SHIELD OF HERACLES. HESIOD was a Greek epic poet who flourished in Boeotia in the C8th B.C. He was alongside Homer the most respected of the old Greek poets. His works included a poem titled the Theogony, a cosmological work describing the origins and genealogy of the gods, Works and Days, on the subjects of farming, morality and.
hesiod-the-shield.-catalogue-of-women.-other-fragments-loeb Identifier-ark ark://t16n3gs4n Ocr tesseract alphagc75f Ocr_autonomous true Ocr_detected_lang el Ocr_detected_lang_conf Ocr_detected_script Latin Greek Ocr_detected_script_conf Ocr_module_version Ocr_parameters-l ell+lat+eng+Latin. This volume, which completes the new Loeb Classical Library edition of Hesiod, contains The Shield and extant fragments of other poems, including the Catalogue of Women, that were attributed to Hesiod in antiquity. None of these is now thought to be by Hesiod himself, but all have considerable literary and historical interest. This volume, which completes the new Loeb Classical Library edition of Hesiod, contains "The Shield" and extant fragments of other poems, including the "Catalogue of Women," that were attributed to Hesiod in antiquity. None of these is now thought to be by Hesiod himself, but all have considerable literary and historical interest.