Pirateaba is the author of The Wandering Inn ( avg rating, ratings, reviews, published ), The Wandering Inn ( avg rating, ratin /5. Tags. Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings; Summary. SPOILERS FOR All but one paragraph of this is taken from of the wandering inn by Pirateaba. With ~1,, words in total, Volume 6 is longer than all previous volumes, and is also roughly equal to half the wordcount of all the previous volumes combined, which was ~3,, words long. This brings the total wordcount of The Wandering Inn up to ~4,, words. The average length of a chapter in Volume 6, with 77 chapters, was ~20, words.
Wandering Inn is a long-running online serial, that has reached volume 4. This book collects volume 2, so people buying it have either been following the web novel and want the collection, or read the volume-1 collection last year and prefer to follow the story in that format. I'm in the latter camp. With ~1,, words in total, Volume 6 is longer than all previous volumes, and is also roughly equal to half the wordcount of all the previous volumes combined, which was ~3,, words long. This brings the total wordcount of The Wandering Inn up to ~4,, words. The average length of a chapter in Volume 6, with 77 chapters, was ~20, words. Well, The Wandering Inn is a bit of a special case. It's pretty dear to our hearts, and there's some history there. So with the first volume recently releasing on ebook, we wanted to do a little something just to highlight it. Not so many people know this, but the name of our website is actually a homage to Pirateaba's story.
Pirateaba is the author of The Wandering Inn ( avg rating, ratings, reviews, published ), The Wandering Inn ( avg rating, ratin. Volumes 1 and 2 of the Wandering Inn correspond to Books 1 and 2 respectively. However, the volumes themselves are so long (and getting longer) that a decision was made with Volume 3 to split it into two books, Book 3 and Book 4. If you haven’t already, make sure to check out Pirateaba’s wonderful story, The Wandering Inn. We have a review of the first volume here. You can also support Pirateaba on Patreon, which will earn you early access to the latest Wandering Inn chapters, and the ability to vote on bonus stories.