William A. Luijpen is the author of A First Introduction To Existential Phenomenology ( avg rating, 18 ratings, 2 reviews), Existential Phenomenology /5. A First Introduction To Existential Phenomenology. William A. Luijpen. 18 ratings 2 reviews. Top genres for this book. Philosophy. pages, Hardcover. Published January 1, Original Title First Introduction to Existential Phenomenology. This edition. Format pages, Hardcover. Published January 1, by Duquesne University Press/5(18). This books is entirely excellent in being exactly what it claims to be, "A First Introduction to Existential Phenomenology." More accessible than Luijpen's more technical _Existential Phenomenology_, this book is an ideal starting point for an intelligent layman with no background in this area of philosophy or an undergraduate www.doorway.ru by:
A first introduction to Existential phenomenology Item Preview A first introduction to Existential phenomenology by Luijpen, W. (Wilhelmus), Publication date Topics Existentialism, Phenomenology Be the first one to write a review. 46 Previews. 4. William A. Luijpen and Henry J. Koren, "A First Introduction to Existential Phenomenology" (Pittsburgh: Duquesne University Press ) Richard M. Zaner, "The Way of Phenomenology" (Indianapolis: Pegasus ) Hans Köchler, Die Subjekt-Objekt-Dialektik in der transzendentalen Phänomenologie. Das Seinsproblem zwischen Idealismus und Realismus. Existential Phenomenology Duquesne Studies - Philosophical Series 12 by William A Luijpen and a great selection of related books, art and collectibles available now at www.doorway.ru
A First Introduction to Existential Phenomenology. W. Luijpen. Pittsburgh: Duquesne University Press () Abstract. After describing man as existence and its implications, this book explores the meaning of knowledge and truth in terms of existential thinking. Next, it develops the concrete notion of human freedom, implied in existence, and man's fundamental intersubjective attitudes of hatred, indifference, love, and justice. A First Introduction to Existential Phenomenology. Luijpen, William A. Published by Duquesne University Press, ISBN ISBN William A. Luijpen and Henry J. Koren, A FIRST INTRODUCTION TO EXISTENTIAL PHENOMENOLOGY (Pittsburg, Pa.: Duquesne Uni-versity Press, ), pages. The existential-phenomenological movement, of which Heidegger, Sartre, Merleau-Ponty and a few others are the principal exponents in Europe, when first transplanted into America fell on not very.