· Buyout book. Read 20 reviews from the world's largest community for readers. From acclaimed author Alexander C. Irvine comes a gritty near-future thrille /5(20). Del Rey, , pages, C$ tp, ISBN There’s no rule saying that Science Fiction has to be predictive, but there’s no arguing that it can be –or, rather, that it’s uniquely apt to suppose a plausible change and follow its consequences. So it is that Alexander C. Irvine’s first original SF novel, Buyout, feels like good old-fashioned Science Fiction with no. Painfully honest and not necessarily apt to think things through, Martin Kindred is the only man in his family who isn't a cop. He has a lot to prove, he thinks, and being hired to be the front man for life-term buyouts seems like the perfect opportunity. "Life-term buyouts?" With ever-rising prison populations, the only solution seems to be privatization. The question then becomes how to make.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR. Alex Irvine's novels include Buyout, The Narrows, A Scattering of Jades, and the novelization of the film Iron Man www.doorway.ru also is the author of nonfiction books including The Vertigo Encyclopedia and John Winchester's Journal, as well as comic series Daredevil Noir and Hellstorm, Son of Satan: Equinox.A past winner of the Locus, Crawford, and International Horror Guild. If Buyout () by Alexander C. Irvine isn't the best science fiction novel I've read this year, it's certainly my www.doorway.ru might even make that the past several years. Irvine, a versatile talent who thrives in multiple genres, sets his sights on near future Los Angeles in this one, and he hits the bullseye squarely, turning out both a gripping cinematic thriller and an impressive. From acclaimed author Alexander C. Irvine comes a gritty near-future thriller in the paranoid, prophetic vein of Philip K. Dick and Richard K. www.doorway.ru hundred years from now, with Americans hooked into an Internet far more expansive and intrusive than today's, the world has become a seamless market-driven experience. In this culture of capitalism run amok, entrepreneurs and politicians.
Buyout Alexander C. Irvine Del Rey, Mar 31 , $ ISBN: In Los Angeles middle management insurance executive Martin Kindred works for Antelope Valley Casualty, a firm seeking to increase profit margin after a fiscally disastrous People endlessly debate and lament the death of science fiction while Alexander C. Irvine’s newest book, Buyout (US, UK, Canada), quietly proves that science fiction is indeed alive and kicking. Irvine’s view into a foreseeable future shows a disturbing vision where the price of a human life becomes very real. From acclaimed author Alexander C. Irvine comes a gritty near-future thriller in the paranoid, prophetic vein of Philip K. Dick and Richard K. Morgan. Thirty years from now, with Americans hooked into a near-total surveillance society, the world has become a seamless market-driven experience.