Cat People by Gary Brandner and a great selection of related books, art and collectibles available now at - Cat People by Brandner, Gary - AbeBooks Skip to main content. Martine Wood Brandner. Gary Phil Brandner ( – Septem) was an American horror fiction author best known for his werewolf themed trilogy of novels, The Howling. The first book of the series was adapted loosely as a motion picture in Brandner's second and third Howling novels, published in 19respectively, have no association with the film series, though he was . · Gary Brandner (author of The Howling, the book, not the movie loosely based on his book) has the thankless task of adapting into novel form the movie with Nastassja Kinski and Malcolm McDowell. Cat People itself is a remake of a highly regarded film from the 40s so hes making an adaptation of an adaptation - not an easy task/5.
CAT PEOPLE () Blu-ray Director: Paul Schrader Scream Factory/Shout! Factory Bernardo Bertolucci, and Nastassja Kinski (THE HOWLING's Gary Brandner was hired to novelize the script). Schrader's heaviest influence has always been Bernardo Bertolucci's THE CONFORMIST, and for his previous film for Paramount AMERICAN GIGOLO he had been able. CAT PEOPLE|Gary Brandner, Tod and the Trumpet Workbook (Collins Big Cat)|Charlotte Middleton, Leo Tolstoy, his life and work autobiographical memoirs, letters, and biographical material|P Biriukov, Natural Lives, Modern Times: People and Places of the Delaware River (Pennsylvania Paperbacks)|Bruce Stutz. CAT PEOPLE|Gary Brandner, Cases in Marketing Management|Jean-Pierre Jeannet, Rambles in Rome: An archÃ|ological and historical guide to the museums, galleries, villas, churches, and antiquities of Rome and the Campagna|S. Russell Forbes, Managing the Workforce: Challenges for the Manufacturing Industry (Response Books)|Bikash Bhadury.
Cat People by Gary Brandner, Ma, Fawcett edition, Paperback in English. Cat People Gary Brandner /5 (83 ratings) Read Download. Language English Pages Format Mass Market Paperback Publisher Fawcett Release Ma ISBN. Find many great new used options and get the best deals for Cat People by Gary Brandner (, Mass Market) at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products!.