Book IX of best-selling author Joe Nobody’s series, Holding Their Own, explores how old grudges and long-simmering social divisions could threaten the recovery of post-apocalyptic Texas. Bishop hatches a plan to pull Terri away from the stressful responsibility of /5(). Holding Their Own: A Story of Survival [Nobody, Joe, Ivester, E.T., Hall, D., Allen, D.] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Holding Their Own: A /5(). · Joe Nobody (Goodreads Author), D. Allen (Contributor), D. Hall (Contributor) · Rating details · ratings · 57 reviews. This first book of the Holding Their Own series, A Story of Survival, is set in the year , when the world is burdened by the second Great Depression. The United States, already weakened by internal strife, becomes the target of an international terror plot.4/5.
A Story of Survival (Holding Their Own Book 1) - Kindle edition by Nobody, Joe, Ivester, E. T., Allen, D.. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading A Story of Survival (Holding Their Own Book 1). It will take all of the couple's skills and bravery to come out of this 17th book in best-selling author Joe Nobody's popular series, Holding Their Own, Vendetta is told directly from Bishop's perspective, in his own words. Previous page. Print length. pages. Language. English. Holding Their Own XV. by Joe Nobody, E.T. Ivester. (1) NOOK Book (eBook) $ Sign in to Purchase Instantly. Available on Compatible NOOK Devices and the free NOOK Apps. WANT A NOOK?
It will take all of the couple’s skills and bravery to come out of this 17th book in best-selling author Joe Nobody’s popular series, Holding Their Own, Vendetta is told directly from Bishop’s perspective, in his own words. Holding Their Own: A Story of Survival [Nobody, Joe, Ivester, E.T., Hall, D., Allen, D.] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Holding Their Own: A. Being a fan of Joe Nobody's other two books, Holding Your Ground and TEOTWAWKITuxedo, I picked this book up as well. It looks like "Joe" partnered with a fewothers to take the non-fictional Holding Your Ground and wrote a fictional piecethat incorporates some of the Holding Your Ground elements. The book reallystands on its own, though.