Look to Windward is the seventh book in The Culture series of space opera novels written by Iain M. Banks. The Culture is the name of the Galaxy-spanning, technologically-advanced, post-scarcity society that Banks returned to time after time to serve as the setting /5. Look to Windward is the seventh book in The Culture series of space opera novels written by Iain M. Banks. The Culture is the name of the Galaxy-spanning, technologically-advanced, post-scarcity society that Banks returned to time after time to serve as the setting /5. Hailed by SFX magazine as "an excellent hopping-on point if you've never read a Banks SF novel before," Look to Windward is an awe-inspiring immersion into the wildly original, vividly realized civilization that Banks calls the Culture.
Look to Windward is a pseudo-sequel to Banks' first Culture novel, Consider Phlebas (with both titles drawn from verses of Eliot's The Wasteland). The story focuses on one of the Culture's Minds, a brilliant artificial intelligence that had inhabited a warship that both experienced and caused terrible suffering during the war recounted in the. Look To Windward by Banks, Iain M. and a great selection of related books, art and collectibles available now at www.doorway.ru - Look to Windward by Banks, Iain M, Used - AbeBooks Skip to main content. The Algebraist by Iain M. Banks (dkelly) dkelly Gas Giant Creatures, Ancient Air-Based Intelligences, that don't bother anyone and have existed for billions of years. Sounds like the the behemothaur Yoleus in Look to Windward. Might also enjoy the Saga of the Seven Suns (the Hydrogues, Gas giant. bad-guys).
Look to Windward is a pseudo-sequel to Banks' first Culture novel, Consider Phlebas (with both titles drawn from verses of Eliot's The Wasteland). The story focuses on one of the Culture's Minds, a brilliant artificial intelligence that had inhabited a warship that both experienced and caused terrible suffering during the war recounted in the earlier book. Another of Banks's far-future Culture yarns (Inversions, , etc.). In the Masaq' Orbital artificial habitat (population about 50 billion; run by an artificial intelligence called the Hub) lives the composer, Ziller, a five-legged Chelgrian, and his friend, Kabe Ischloear, the huge, pyramidal Homomdan Ambassador. The two chat like Ivy League professors. A century ago Chel fought a dreadful. Look to Windward is a science fiction novel by Scottish writer Iain M. Banks, first published in It is Banks' sixth published novel to feature the Culture. The book's dedication reads: "For the Gulf War Veterans".