Married to a Stranger by Rachlin, Nahid Seller J. E. MILES, A BOOKSELLER Published Condition Collectible - Good Edition First Edition Item Price $ Show Details. Description: City Lights. Collectible - Good. First Edition. Soft Cover. (Q). Married to a Stranger - Kindle edition by Rachlin, Nahid. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Married to a Stranger/5(6). Married to a Stranger "The ecstasies and disillusionments of first love are the stuff of great tragedies and cheap romances but Nahid Rachlin has done something else with this familiar theme, and something more, though her style is elegantly simple.
Nahid Rachlin is an Iranian who lives in New York City, where she teaches creative writing at Barnard College. She is author of Veils: Short Stories and Married to a Stranger (both published by City Lights) and Foreigner (W. W. Norton). She teaches at the New School University and the Unterberg Poetry Center in New York. Married to a Stranger by Rachlin, Nahid Seller J. E. MILES, A BOOKSELLER Published Condition Collectible - Good Edition First Edition Item Price $ Show Details. Description: City Lights. Collectible - Good. First Edition. Soft Cover. (Q). Married to a Stranger by Nahid Rachlin | Editorial Reviews. NOOK Book (eBook) $ $ Save 22% Current price is $, Original price is $ You Save 22%. Nahid Rachlin is an Iranian-American who lives in New York and teaches at Barnard College. She is the author of Foreigner and The Heart's Desire, both novels.
Married to a Stranger by Nahid Rachlin | Editorial Reviews. NOOK Book (eBook) $ $ Save 22% Current price is $, Original price is $ You Save 22%. Married to a Stranger by Nahid Rachlin. Click here for the lowest price! Paperback, , Married to a Stranger "The ecstasies and disillusionments of first love are the stuff of great tragedies and cheap romances but Nahid Rachlin has done something else with this familiar theme, and something more, though her style is elegantly simple.