Paul Kupperberg on December 11th, Here’s a little ditty from DC Super-Stars #14 (May-June ), a special “Secret Origins of Super-Villains” issue, to which I contributed “Let There Be Dr. Light!” illustrated by the great Dick Ayers and Jack Abel. Paul Kupperberg on December 11th, Here’s a little ditty from DC Super-Stars #14 (May-June ), a special “Secret Origins of Super-Villains” issue, to which I contributed “Let There Be Dr. Light!” illustrated by the great Dick Ayers and Jack Abel. DC Super Stars» DC Super Stars #14 - Secret Origins of Super-Villains released by DC Comics on June 1, Paul Levitz editor Rich.
The art is amazing, and the Infinite Man is the best villain Paul Levitz ever created. And while I'll concede the backup story isn't the best, the young me certainly appreciated the way Mike Nasser drew the female characters. avg rating — 14 ratings. score: , and 2 people voted Secret Origins of Super-Villains June No. 14 (3) by. Paul Levitz. liked it avg rating — 3 ratings. score: 99, and 1 person voted. However, copyright records state All-Star Comics #69 was published on August 23, while DC Super Stars #17 was published on August In the text page for this issue, Paul Levitz mentions that Joe Orlando had to step in as guest editor for this story, as DC policy at the time said that no editor should write for himself.
While writer Paul Levitz and artist Joe Staton introduced the Huntress to the JSA in this month's All Star Comics# 69, they concurrently shaped her origin in DC Super Stars #17 (which counts as. Limited Collectors’ Edition #C () and C () were each devoted to Secret Origins of Super-Villains, while a hero-centric hardback was published in as a response to the hit Origins of Marvel Comics volume of Significantly, ’s DC Super-Stars #14 abandoned the reprint model for a new trio of stories featuring supervillains. Paul Kupperberg on December 11th, Here’s a little ditty from DC Super-Stars #14 (May-June ), a special “Secret Origins of Super-Villains” issue, to which I contributed “Let There Be Dr. Light!” illustrated by the great Dick Ayers and Jack Abel.